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Telescope - Unix Timestamp Converter

Инструменты разработчика Утилиты Утилиты
Разработчик luca Micheli
1.99 USD

Are you tired to lose your time to search timestamp converter on Google to just convert your timestamps?

As a developer, I think yes, you are.

I was in your same boat too and I searched for a tool like this for a lot of time until I made it.

Just copy your Unix Timestamp and Telescope will popup on your System Bar the converted (and copiable ISO8601) human readable date.

Just it. Enjoy.

And also youll have a copiable (one click away) Unix timestamp of the actual date.

BONUS #1: You can also convert every date in Timestamp :)

So simple. So Useful.

A Must Have for every respectable Developer that works with dates